Thursday, November 11, 2004

Sinner or Saint? A Defense of John Calvin

Though I agree with what I know of what Calvin said, I must admit that I have never actually read anything he wrote. Though I have many times been accused of almost worshiping him.

A while ago a friend of mine sent me a website that he had found that was blatantly anti-Calvinist; and even more so anti-John Calvin. On this site there are all sorts of sharp-tongued “refutations” of Calvinism. Even worse, there is a caricature of John Calvin burning Michael Servetus. Now, whether Servetus truly was a heretic or not, I do not know. However, that is definitely not a justification for Calvin burning him alive. That was murder.

But what is most alarming about this caption and site is what they deduce from their findings. The creators of the website have a ““You Shall Know Them By Their Fruits": John Calvin, murderer of Michael Servetus”. On this whole site, these people, who aren’t worthy to be called Arminians in my opinion, I have far too much respect for Arminians to call them such, are first of all passing judgment upon Calvin (and his “followers”, or those who agree with his findings.) And like all those who pass judgment, “in the way [they] judge, [they] will be judged; and by [their] standard of measure, it will be measured back to [them].” –Matthew 7:2

Their website shows clear signs of hatred toward both Calvin and his followers. They are guilty of the same crime that Calvin is guilty: murder! For as Jesus said, “everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘You good-for-nothing,’ shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.” -Matthew 6:22 This is scary.

I have often been told by people that Calvin was an evil person, and that Calvinism follows suit. I have heard many reject the Doctrines of Grace merely because John Calvin made this one mistake (they know absolutely nothing else about his life). Again, I do not condone this action. Rather, I look at the rest of John Calvin’s life. Did you know that he was brought to Geneva to reform it, since the people there were living in such wanton sin? The people were seriously walking around drunk and naked, gambling, and doing all sorts of debaucheries. Calvin was sent away to France after only a year in Geneva because few results were seen from his preaching. Three years later, while living happily in France, the leaders in Geneva called Calvin back to Geneva because the situation there had grown worse. Calvin faithfully exposited God’s Word to the people (starting from the very verse with which he had left off three years earlier) and saw the city radically change as they grew in the knowledge of God. Why do those who accuse Calvin seem to always forget to mention this?

Let me also note that such things were occurring all over Europe at this time (though this does not justify it). Let us not forget the horrible atrocities that were created by our own forefathers against the African Americans by forcing them into slavery and failing to give them equal rights. Let us not forget our own sins, which may actually prove to be worse than Calvin’s. After all, Calvin was zealous for the Word of God and for purity in the Church, from Communion to the Gospel. Surely we have failed to live up to Calvin’s zeal for the glory of God. We are sinners in this respect; and people are going to Hell because we have such a lack of unction. If you want to judge Calvin based upon his murdering a man, pass the same judgment upon yourself for your lack of concern for the glory of God. You shall truly know them by their fruit! “Love one another.” -John 13:34

I am not going to give out the website, since I do not really think it is worthy of being viewed, neither do I want anyone to stumble when they see the website and condemn those who have made the site. Rather, pray for them and those like them, that God would change their hearts.


At 2:36 PM, Blogger tweakmax said...

Hmm..but John Calvin did not do what he preaches

At 12:21 AM, Blogger Lenny said...

I totally agree. Wretched sinner that John Calvin is! I'd imagine he often did not act in accordance with his preaching. However, I personally haven't met a Christian who does all the time. We are in weak, sinful vessels being sanctified, and John Calvin was no different. We can't just rule him out as being a Christian because he sinned. That's what I'm trying to say here. Calvin messed up, he murdered a man. But if you have hated anyone, so have you.

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Lenny said...

Here's an interesting little tidbit about the Michael Servetus burning that is not often mentioned. Servetus was seen as a heretic by both Catholics and Protestants. He even rejected the Trinity. He was going to be burned by the French Inquisition except that he escaped--to be captured in Geneva. Calvin had sought the advice of other Protestant leaders of that time on what he should do with Servetus and they all agreed that Servetus was a heretic. And Calvin was actually in favor of beheading Servetus and argued in favor of this less cruel death (The Story of Christianity, Justo Gonzalez, 67).

At 10:48 PM, Blogger boys123 said...

Better check a few sources on the Servetus story. The way I heard it, Calvin did not want Servetus put to death, but the council in Geneva did. Keep in mind that Calvin was not a government official and actually had no say in whether Servetus was put to death or how it was done. Calvin spent considerable energy trying to convince Servetus of his error (and Servetus was a heretic who rejected the trinity).


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