Thursday, December 30, 2004

Galatians 3:6-7 Receive the Promise through Faith, For Abraham Did Likewise

Galatians 3:6-7 Even so Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to Him as righteousness. Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham.

“They are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; nor are they all children because they are Abraham’s descendants” (Romans 9:6-7). The children and heirs of God’s promise to Abraham are those who are of the faith of Abraham. Though most of Israel has rejected the Messiah until this day, the True Israel, those who are the true “sons of Abraham,” have not; for they walk by faith as Abraham did. As Paul makes clear, the true children of Abraham are receive the promise in the same way he did, by faith, not by keeping the Law.

As Paul made clear earlier, nobody will be justified by keeping the Law (Galatians 2:16). This is because the Law was given to make sin obvious to us. The Law was not given to clear us of the sins we commit or the sinful nature which causes us to sin. The Law condemns us, therefore, it does not justify us. This is why the promise to Abraham, as to all who receive the promise given to Abraham, is on the basis of faith in God through Christ, not the Law. So I urge you, dear friend, do not attempt to be counted righteous before God upon your own merits and the keeping of the Law. Rather, accept Christ’s life and sacrifice as your justification and righteousness. This is the only way to please God. Abraham was counted righteous because He trusted in God, the justifier of the ungodly. So it is with all who stand righteous before God. This is the only way to receive the promise given to Abraham.

The promise is that all nations shall be blessed through Abraham (Genesis 18:18). The promise is that the LORD will be the God of Abraham and His descendents; the promise is that they will know God (Genesis 17:8). It is that we will be counted righteous in Christ on the basis of our faith in Him (cf. Romans 4:3-4, 2 Corinthians 5:21). This is the fairest of all promises. There is no greater reward than to know God, for He is the delight of the soul—only He offers infinite blessedness (Psalm 16:11).

But why faith? How is this greater than works? Because God is most glorified in being the giver, not the receiver. That is why Christ offered Himself as the Bread of Life to all who are hungry (John 6:35); the giver of living water to all who thirst (John 4:10; 6:35, 55-56); and the servant of all who will be served (Matthew 20:28). God needs nothing, so He is glorified when He is shown to be all sufficient. That is why He justifies those who trust in Him—because he gets the glory. Do you say that is unfair? What is unfair is how you go on trying to serve the One who needs nothing, how you reject His free offer. Friend, repent of your attempts to justify yourself by the Law, and trust in the God who justifies freely and gives to all who will freely take.


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