Thursday, January 20, 2005

Galatians 3:23-25 Live by Faith, for the Law is No Longer Your Overseer

Galatians 3:23-25 But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.

Before our justification and our son-ship came by faith (before Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah came), the Law had charge over humanity to keep them looking toward God. The faith that is referred to here is not just any general faith, as the Greek makes clear by using the definite article (as does the NIV). This is the faith in Christ Jesus, bringing about the reception of the promises in Him. It is faith in the one revealed (who was not revealed during the period of the Law). The Law was put in charge for the purpose of taking care of the people of God until the right time came and Christ appeared.

The idea Paul is introducing is that the Law is one who is put in charge over a male child until the child was old enough to be considered an adult and old enough to be fully adopted by the father. This one is not a teacher (as the word “tutor” might suggest), but rather one who helps the child and keeps the child out of harm and acting properly. The Law was given such a position to lead us to Christ when He appeared (I will talk more about the implications of this as Paul gets to them in the proceeding verses. For now all you need to understand is that the Law’s purpose was not to grant the promises, but to lead those under the Law to the One who does grant the promises).

The Law was to act in such a way until Christ came “so that we may be justified by faith.” Since the goal is for justification by faith, not by works, the Law is our guide to the point of justification by faith. Understand this, the Law’s very purpose is to lead us to the point where we will be justified by faith. However, faith has now come as the revelation of Jesus Christ has come. We are now able to trust in Christ (which I’d advise that you do) and submit to Him as Lord. Thus, we are no longer under the one who is given charge over us. We are now full adults and can live and walk by faith. Since you are no longer under the Law, which is Paul’s point, do not seek to continue under the care and guidance of the Law. Rather, grow up into faith. You are mature enough (since the revelation in Christ has occurred) to be adopted and to live as an heir.


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