Thursday, March 31, 2005

Galatians 6:17-18 Make Your Elders Happy, Obey the True Gospel

Galatians 6:17-18 From now on let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen.

It was Paul’s desire that the Galatian church grow up in faith and doctrine so that no one would have to bother him any longer with such basic issues as justification. He is not saying that if troubles arise that the church should just not consult him. No true shepherd of the sheep would desire this. Rather, like any good pastor, Paul was pleading for the Galatians to no longer give in to legalists and false gospels. He had the proof of the validity of his gospel in the marks he received in his body because of persecution, and so the Galatians should weigh his “brands” and those of the Judaizers, for Christ promised persecution for the sake of the gospel.

Brothers and sisters who compose the church; grow up in faith and doctrine so that you no longer cause your leaders such grief as Paul received. If your pastors/elders are any good, they have a heart both for your spiritual well-being and for truthful, God-exalting doctrine, and thus they know that you must have good doctrine to have spiritual well-being. This means that you will have to study the Bible, and perhaps even some good theology books. Take this time, and spare your leaders the heartache and gut-wrench of having you get tossed around like a small boat on a rough sea, and of even having you capsize and drown, falling away from the faith, proving their work in vain.

Paul had faced enough suffering in setting a foundation for the Galatian church (and for all other churches he had founded). He had the “brand-marks of Jesus” upon his body, showing that he had suffered for the cause of Christ. These marks were the proof that Paul was willing to suffer the persecution that comes with preaching the despised message of the cross. These “brand-marks of Jesus” are to be contrasted with the circumcision of the Judaizers. There marks showed their submission to the Law; Paul’s marks showed his submission to Christ—you could not have both, since the gospel of God’s grace in Jesus Christ is in direct opposition to the legalistic system that seeks justification based upon keeping the Law.

Take note of such as these, brothers and sisters, who have suffered for Christ and not by deforming and marring the body (cf. Colossians 2:23). Persecution will follow the gospel, and so you should expect it as well, in whatever form it comes (cf. Matthew 5:11-12, John 15:18-21). Accept such persecution and the any “brand-marks” that come with it, for they may be the verification of the gospel of Christ. However, do not accept “circumcision,” except circumcision of the heart, which is regeneration. In other words, do not accept mere outward rituals that some may claim have salvific warrant. Neither accept the teaching of those who use outward self-mutilation and who claim the salvific merit of deeds done in or to the body rather than from persecution for the sake of the gospel. These are legalists, and so preach a merit-driven gospel.

Now, as Paul prays for his readers, so I pray for you. May the grace of God in Jesus Christ always be with you. This is the grace of God that alone saves through faith alone. Do not turn aside from it and trust in your own works. Rather, follow hard after Jesus Christ, our Lord. And may He bless and keep you in this grace until His glorious coming!


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