Sunday, October 23, 2005

Buy Stock in Folgers!

It's that time of the semester again... Cruch time, and I'm not even talking about the Cap'n. With 6 (possibly 7) papers due in the next 4+ weeks, my schedule is packed full of SBTS brand homework excitement. I'm sorry to my loyal reader(s) but my weblog is going to be suffering from a lack of posts for a while...but don't worry, some good stuff is on the way, as promised. Until then, check out some of my friends' sites, or browse my ever so intriguing archives.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Thanks, Lenny. I read your blog entry last night (12:30ish)and started CRAVING Cap'n Crunch. I just went to Kroger (Kro-ghetto) and bought 3 things: Cap'n Crunch, milk, and cookies. The cookies don't involve you, but the cereal and milk are all your fault! I should've been studying, but the craving kept getting bigger and bigger...and so, now I'm on my second bowl.

At 1:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


There are really only three tough parts to writing a paper. 1) Your opening sentence (this is crucial to being winsome with your reader--or grader). 2) Your last sentence (you have to leave the reader with jolting thought as he walks away). 3) Everything in between.

The quality of your paper will be in direct proportion to the quantity of your caffine consumption.

My advice: 1) Drink lots of coffee. 2) Work hard on these three things, and you'll do O.K. on your papers. 3) If you want to do better, drink more coffee. 4) If you get tired of drinking coffee, eat it. 4) If you get tired of eating coffee, dip it. 5) If you think dipping coffee is gross, just shoot some expresso into your bloodstream.

P.S. go to and see "Big Brad Wolf" for inspiration on staying up all night drinking coffee.


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