Friday, April 21, 2006

A New Post (Yah!) Mopping and Theology

As I was mopping the kitchen, a basic tenet from Systematic Theology came to mind: Scripture is the norming norm that norms all other norms.

Confusing? Well, the concept really isn't. What this means is that, everything else that is regarded as authoritative in life must be subjected to the authority to Scripture.

As Christians, we are a people of the book--the Bible--for it is the very Word of God. We do not worship the Bible, but rather highly regard the it because of the One who inspired it--every word, passage, and thought. We worship God--as He is revealed in Scripture--we thus revere His Word.

Practically what this means is that everything else in life is relegated to Scripture. Theology, the queen of the sciences (and so it is, for everything else in life will inevitably flow from our thoughts of God), is second to Scripture. Theology must flow from Scripture, and where it does not, it must be subjected by scrutiny to what Scriptures proclaims. We cannot make Scripture line up with our theologies, no matter how God-glorifying we believe them to be--we must form our theologies from Scripture (which, I might add, is theologically coherent).

Logic and rationale is even subject to Scripture. Some will object to this, others will say, "Well, no kidding, Christianity is anti-intellectual." Nothing could be further from the truth than such a statement. Christianity is actually the most rational worldview, for it lines up with the reality of God and that God has created. As Christians, we love logic and reason, for it helps us to understand God, the world, etc. Yet we are not enlightenment modernists--we do not believe that man's mind is the highest norm--no, humans are enslaved to sin--in every aspect. The human affections (heart), will, and mind (reason) are all ruled by sin--the image of God in man has been corrupted fatally, and so we do not and cannot (apart from the grace of God wrought by the Spirit -Romans 8:7-8) act or think freely--thus, human reason is not the ultimate norm.

All things must be subjected to Scripture--whether or theology (understanding of God), anthropology (understanding of man), soteriology (understanding of salvation), or whatever else we study (biology, geology, etc), must ultimately line up with Scripture. In an argument, the final word for a Christian is, "the Bible says so," for it is the reliable Word of the Sovereign Lord who cannot lie--and we ultimately do not win arguments with sinful humans by our words, but by the power of the almighty Spirit who works effectually as He freely wills -cf. John 3). We trust in God--the One who works all things according to His purposes (Eph. 1:11).

Even our experiences are subjected to the Word of God. As humans, we interpret our experiences through our worldview. Experiences are not the ultimate reality.

Our lives are therefore subject to the scrutiny of Scripture's light. We love according to Scripture, not the post-modern model of 'love.' Christianity is right theology in true love, and true love in right theology. Why? Because "right theology" is Biblical theology (not Biblical theology the practice of understanding Scriptures in their context according to the canon, but Biblical theology--understanding that is true to the Bible and its worldview), and true love is love as God loves (a holy love).

What Bible then do we call this Norm? Well, obviously the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts and each as it is in line with them. Therefore, since you are not Jesus Christ, who alone submitted Himself perfectly to the Word of God and His commandments (for He Himself is the Word of God--the incarnate God), acknowledge that you do not submit fully to the Word of God (I don't--though I try, by His Spirit who works within me), turn (repent) from your lack of submission (as it is revealed to you), and obey God. Internalize God's Word, and do it.


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