Fantasy Husband Draft? Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Girls gone wild? Perhaps more like, feminist paradise.
It appeared from the CNN video that at least a few of these women may be married. Where are these women's husbands? How do they feel about this? Do they feel about this? Perhaps these women just suffer from the same problem that Paula Cole did: they just can't find that "cowboy" who will satisfy all their desires.
Paula Cole's song, "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone," included lyrics such as, "I'll go do the laundry," and "I'll go raise the children if you pay all the bills," "I'm wearing my new dress tonight, but you don't, but you don't even notice," and "I'll wish all the dishes while you go have a beer." Men, we should see these incidents as nothing short of stinging critiques against the character of the contemporary male. The sad thing is, most men fit the stereotypes raised: uncaring, unconcerned, and self-centered. Why else would women want a husband whom they could trade every week for a new husband who may score her more points? Why else would women be left wondering: "Where is my happy ending?"
Obviously all of the problem does not lie in the man's court. Women need to be careful that they pick a real, God-fearing "cowboy."
But it is sad that the common perception of men in our culture is a brute who can't remember the name's of his wife's friends, doesn't compliment her on a monthly basis, let alone hourly, and would rather eat at McDonald's rather than her cooking. His life is marked by watching sports, drinking excessive amount of beer, and sitting on the couch, while his wife raises the children, cleans the dishes and laundry, and lapses into emotional instability because she feels unloved.
Men, let us lead, let us love, and let us serve lowly. Think about it: where would you be without her? Have you forgotten those days of singleness when you ate pizza and easy mac like your life depended upon it, because it did? This is for married men (and women) and single men (and women). This is for Christians and unbelievers (but especially believers). Let's do away with the need for fantasy husbands.
If only people knew how much more joyful it is to be selfless than to be selfish.
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