Monday, November 15, 2004

Blood Bought Kindnesses

This is a poem a wrote a while back; from the sounds of it, I think I wrote it in the Spring.

With the rain pouring down from the clouds above,
I think upon the greatness of my Father’s love!
That He so loved the world He did send alone,
His Son for the sins of Greeks and Jews to atone.

Every rain drop bought by the blood of the Lamb,
Thunder and Lightning from His merciful hand.
It causes the trees to bud and the flowers to bloom,
For me to see other than Hell’s dark doom!

As the sun peaks forth or shines bright in the sky,
I consider well my Redeemer on high.
That He came to die so that men might not,
Born under sin and the Law, righteousness was His lot.

All the rays of sun that warm and tan my face,
Come straight from heaven and from God’s common grace.
Were ‘t not for the sacrifice of the Son of God,
None of this would be possible for those upon this sod!

In sweet breezes of spring and cool nights of wonder,
I ponder upon the One who has put sin asunder.
How the Father saw it fit and well in the Son,
To give life and breath and beauty to everyone.

Each gust of wind that men do savor,
Could not be, were ‘t not for the blood of the Savior.
Yet for His own a special love has been shown,
Salvation has been bought, Sin has been atoned!


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