Monday, February 07, 2005

Galatians 4:27-28 Rejoice, For the Gentile Children of the Promise Are Numerous

Galatians 4:27-28 For it is written, “Rejoice, barren woman who does not bear; break forth and shout, you who are not in labor; for more numerous are the children of the desolate than of the one who has a husband.” And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise.

Paul continues to show that a return to submission to the Law is unwise. The Church has a hope that those under the Old Covenant did not possess. This promise from Isaiah shows the futility in attempting to return to the Law. While this promise was probably not associated with Sarah and Hagar, it fits the situation perfectly. The Gentiles, who lived under a barren system and could only hope that God would be gracious toward them, will be more numerous and receive the greater blessing than physical Israel, who before the Babylonian captivity prospered in God’s grace, but now are slaves to the very system that was supposed to push them toward God.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us “break forth and shout” in this grace. Though our ancient ancestors were cut-off from God, we are now the people and priests of God (1 Peter 2:9-10). God has overlooked “the times of ignorance” of the Gentiles and “is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent” because He is going to judge all men through Christ Jesus. (Acts17:30-31). He is currently bringing in the full number of the Gentiles. Let this be the cause of great rejoicing. We are no longer left to our own ways and God has not held our ancestors’ idolatrous lifestyles against us as a people. We are the heirs of the promise like Isaac.

Let this also stir you to missions. The Gentiles in the peoples of God are more numerous than the ancient Jews. There are people groups who have never heard who must hear that this promise might be fulfilled. Be one who goes and/or one who gives generously to evangelize the other peoples. These people are your brothers and sisters in Christ. Are you not concerned about your own family? If people do not go and money is not given, these people will not hear and will not enter the family. They are a numerous and diverse people who wait to hear the good news that they may join our family. Consider, brothers and sisters, what role you are to play in bringing in the rest of the children of promise.


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