Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's a Little Scary When It Happens Close to Home

I just happend to look on foxnews.com to see what was going on in our world today and I saw an article that quickly caught my attention: Eleven Kids Found Living in Cages in Ohio. That caught my attention for two reasons: 1) That is an awful sounding display of cruelty to children (read the story and you'll see that it truly was!), and 2) It is dealing with my home state.

What was really alarming to find out is that this occurred in Wakeman, Ohio. This would not be so alarming if it happend in Parma, Euclid, Lorain, or Cleveland--but Wakeman...one-stop-light-Wakeman, which has such a small population that it is considered a village? I went to elementary school in Wakeman; I used to walk the streets of Wakeman with some of my good high school friends; I've dated people from Wakeman; my home church meets down the road from Wakeman. Wakeman is one of the last places on earth that you'd expect something like this to happen.

This just goes to show the breadth and the depth of human depravity and sinfulness. That this would happen is an abhorrent and utterly dispicable show of humanity's fallen state. That it would happen in Wakeman, Ohio shows the extent to which sinfulness has affected humanity. No person, anywhere is free from the disgusting ravages of sin. Sin is the problem of humanity that causes disgraceful actions throughout the world--from small villages to big cities, from Jew to Gentile (cf. Romans 1:18-3:23), whether in America or Iraq--mankind is utterly sinful--and each member thereof, without distinction or exception. The only way to escape the damning effects of sin is to be found judicially pardoned in Christ Jesus, through faith, and to be given the Spirit of Christ, by whom we are freed from the bondage to sin (cf. The Bible).


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