If you know me, you know that I am not very gifted in the area of administration. In other words, I'm not a very good manager, and being a manager makes that absolutely clear. (I actually heard I guy in one of my classes say that he does not want to be a preaching pastor, but is gifted in administration. I didn't know people like that exist! Praise God for the Body of Christ! I really need to meet this guy and make him my best friend).
It happend again, soli Deo gloria! I have to find workers for valet, and it has happend more times than I'd like to admit that Friday or Saturday comes along, and I do not have anyone lined up to work with me that night. I have had times where, 15 minutes before 6:00 PM, I'm still without a coworker...only to have a friend be able to help...on what ends up being a night that I wouldn't have been able to handle the load myself if I was Clark Kent. (Okay, maybe if I was Clark Kent.)
Throughout the week I have been calling people to no avail. (One on Monday, two on Tuesday, Three on Wednesday, everyone I can on Thursday, and on my knees on Friday). I'll be glad when this is all over and I don't have to sweat, wondering my boss's reaction to my failure...which day will hopefully never come.
Today was the same. I called around all afternoon trying to find someone (amid other obligations). No one could (I seriously was out of options). I told my friend Aaron to pray, and I continually (amid homework) asked God to provide. 2 o'clock...nothing. 3 o'clock...some "no"s. 4 o'clock...trying to soak my sorrows in Panera Bread coffee. 4:30...can't even get anyone who answers his phone. 4:52 PM: Jehovah Jireh! I get a call from a friend telling me he has found someone who can work. O, how great God's faithfulness is.
So, if you are interested in being 'on call,' so to speak (though I already have 10 or so people on call when I need someone to work), to work on Fridays or Saturdays that my regulars need off, email me, or just respond to this post with your info. Thanks!
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