Monday, February 07, 2005

Galatians Applicational Commentary

This is an applicational commentary, similar to a sermonette. These short, daily expositions of Galatians are aimed at helping you to know how to practically apply the Word of God to your own life. They are also geared toward helping you to grow in your knowledge of God and your understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ, or justification by grace alone through faith alone.

I hope that each one of these "sermonettes" is understandable and applicable to Christians of all levels of spiritual maturity, and to those who are still searching on their spiritual pilgrimage (nonbelievers). I have in no way covered everything that could be said about each passage covered, as that would far exceed what is a short, daily meditation/devotional. Neither have I examined every way these verses can be applied to every life. It is up to you, by walking in the Spirit and trusting His guidance, to examine your own life and discover what implications God's Word has for you. I hope that this will be of some assistance to you in your walk with Christ and your study of Scripture. To God alone be the glory. May God multiply His grace and peace to you through Christ Jesus the Lord.
