Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A Look into the Life of Lenny

I figured since few of my postings have anything to do with what is actually going on in my life (outside of my theological thought life--which probably is about 70% of my life), I thought I'd let you all know what has been going on. I'll refrain from talking about what is going on in my thoughtlife; because that could get long and ugly. But this should help you to get to know me as a person, and not just some faceless blogger.

So Monday was Valentines day. As you all know, I'm quite the ladies the man (seriously, it's not that funny, you can stop laughing). So, since I didn't find a date (I actually didn't even ask anyone to do anything because I don't even know who I'd ask) I spent the afternoon at the Presbyterian Seminary reading Fox's Book of the Martyrs; I mean, The Anabaptist Story (I don't know that there was a single Anabaptist during the 16th century who wasn't martyred). So, anyway, after studying, Uche, Mike, and I went on a triple date to Ci-Ci's Pizza (oh yea! Tyler found one here in Louisville, $4 all you can eat pizza!) Well, apparently our dates didn't get the message, so it was just the three of us. But Mike ate 23 pieces, whereas Uche and I might have knocked off 20 together. But we scarfed the cinnemon rolls; but not as much as this old lady who took half the tray.

Yesterday, because it was so nice, Mike, Uche, myself, and a couple other guys played some football. I threw a pass for Uche that ended up hitting Mike in the back of the head (Mike was defending Uche). If it hadn't hit Mike, it certainly would have been a touchdown. But Mike and Uche (and Arvind too) all went to California for the rest of the week (for free--like everything is free, including meals!) to some thing where they are to give their opinions on stuff. They said they'd bring me back a souveneir.

I had small group Sunday night and also played some risk with Jared and Becca. Besides those married women (3 of the them), the only other person with a double X who I've associated with (to my knowledge) is Lindsay. Praise God for Lindsay! Otherwise, I've only hung out with people who have a Y.

But I have hung out with Brother James (Jimmy Laquey for all you French speakers). His West Virginian humor has kept me going. The other night I showed him the Baby Got Book video. He (of all people) found it offensive. (I'd tell you more about interaction with Brother James but it would probably be inappropriate for this medium).

And in other news, I found out that in 20 years 'nanobots' will make people immortal. I mean, c'mon, 'nanobots'? That seriously sounds like something out of the '80s. And besides, robots haven't been cool since the '80s. I think Ray, with his MIT diploma, might be taking enough supplements to affect his brain.

And finally, I saw some dogs chasing a rabbit around Fuller hall. After watching Napoleen Dynamite, this seemed rather pointless to the plot of my life.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Lenny, Lenny, Lenny...
This is seriously the BEST day ever. I wish I could have a day like this. But no, I am stuck on my blog aaalllll day trying to figure out what the new drama is. Football, Pizza, Napoleon Dynomite...oh, how glorious! Allelujah! Praise Him! Okay, that's enough...


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