Saturday, June 18, 2005


So, as I returned from the bank, there were some children sitting out on the sidewalk in front of their house selling Lemonade (on the way to the bank they pleaded with me to stop, but I just drove on since I wanted to get to the bank so I wouldn't forget what I had to do).

I pulled up and the older sister (maybe 7 or 8) tells me her friend will be right back with the lemonade, since they were just making some fresh. When her friend got out she told the little brother (maybe 5) that he had to go in the house. Poor kid, he probably won't even share in the profits--all he is is some kind of slave labor.

The girl told me the price for the lemonade was $.75. Now, I'm not a cheap-skate (sp?)--in fact, I gave them a dollar, but whatever happend to $.25 lemonade? Inflation has gone wild when children will charge $.75 for lemonade! Oh the times in which we live...

I actually wanted to have a lemonade stand when I was a kid (I would've charged $.25, for the record). However, my parents always said 'no.' Perhaps it was for safety, or perhaps they figured they'd have to do all the work, but more than likely it was because we lived in a rural community and farmers on tractors probably wouldn't just stop for lemonade. Anyway, I'm sure that this all ties in with some biblical principle, but I just can't think of one. At least these kids are learning work-ethic.


At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It think it would be really cool to see you have a lemonade stand and while you're selling lemonade, share the gospel! Yeah!

You are right, there probably is a biblical principle behind why you ran into those little girls.

Oh by the way, I was shared with by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Capenos that you gave a sermon a while back. That's awesome! I hope there was a good response to the message you shared.

Catch you later!


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