Saturday, July 30, 2005

Desperate Women, Desperate Measures, Desperate Times!

"In that day seven women
will take hold of one man
and say, "We will eat our own food
and provide our own clothes;
only let us be called by your name.
Take away our disgrace!" (Isaiah 4:1, NIV text)

The situation concerning which Isaiah prophecied is not far from true in our own day. So many women do not know what it means to be a woman, neither do they know what it means to be a man (it is important to know both since woman comes from man and must be defined in light of this--for women are not independent of men (nor men of women) (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:11-12, Genesis 1-2), nor do they know what a good husband is like and what it is that their hearts truly long for.

In the culture which brings us such shows as Sex and the City, The O.C., and Desperate Housewives, it is no surprise that both men and women are confused as to right and wrong and what is actually good for them. The days of chivalry are dying off quickly for the lust of feminism. Men are often seen as, portrayed as, and become merely sex-driven maniacs who will do anything to get a woman (or as many women as possible) into bed. Men are becoming mere machines who are passively controlled by the whims of any sun-bathed blond. No longer does the man seek to please his date in gentlemanly kindness so that she will have an enjoyable evening, rather, these men only show any kindness to get a night of pleasure, and they'll live at the mercy of their date to gain this mud-pie of a reward.

With this loss of true manhood has also come a loss of true womanhood. Women have been reduced, in many occassions, to mere sex objects. Our culture, in the name of liberating women, has made them to be mere objects for perverted pleasures. Women are made to think that they have to look a certain way--and many go to any extreme to become the starved Victoria's Secret model that God has not crafted them to be. There is a fine line between seeking to be a stick figure and seeking to live a healthy life--but women are told they must be a 5'10" size 0. Women are made to think that they must be the pursuers, and not the pursued. They are left to believe that they must present themselves in a way that men will take the bait; they are conditioned to believe that they must grab hold of a man at all costs, and that they must be the instigators.

Now, I am not degrading women in the least, and I apologize if it seems that I am, rather, I am simply stated what I have observed--after all, I have met some very amazing, godly women in my life. But I have also seen guy's websites that have desperate women who are searching for someone to love them posting comments about the guy's body, how they want him, and countless other quite illicit blurbs. The women want to be noticed, they want to be liked, even if that means that all that they get is a guy who treats them horribly. They aren't concerned with finding a man of God (for Christians, and at least a genuinely sincere, intelligent, gentleman for unbelievers) who will treasure them for the rest of their lives. Rather, they'll try to attach themselves to a man who has fading affections for them. Women beware! Men often know what you want. They can play the part of a witty, charming, seemingly caring man until they have you emotionally dependant upon them--then, when it is too late, they show their true selfish, conceited, uncaring nature. These men will not make good husbands, and don't think for a moment that you'll truly be able to change them.

Many women, so confused by the culture, are left in a never ending search for romance and love in all the wrong places. Many do not even know what they truly want or need. Rather than looking for a man who is genuinely kind to them, who has a servant's heart and is willing to put them first, women look for the James Bond model of a man. Do not look for the man who is debonair (in the modern definition), flashy, and can merely show you a good time. Look for a man who is following God, and follow him. Look for a man who is kind to all, not just to you on rare occassions. Look for a man who you think is attractive; but remember that you don't need Tom Cruise. Look for a man with whom you can have fun, but also a man who can be serious and who can be the head of a household. No man is perfect. He's going to have faults. If he is a man who is worth keeping, he'll listen to you, so tell him what you perceive as his faults and help him to work on them. If you find a man like this, he's a rare find (they were rare in Biblical times, and they are just as rare now)--as is a godly women (cf. Proverbs 31:10).

It's a sad day in which we live--times that are quite like those of Isaiah. Desperate women are going to desperate measures to find themselves desperately lacking men. Sisters (and brothers) in Christ, do not get sucked into this trap. Men, do not be "hanger-outer boys." Women, do not seek to force yourself into a relationship with the rockstar by posting seductive pictures and sayings on his website. Seek excelence, not cultural mores.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger leslie said...

wow, what a great post!! I wish that all girls could read this.

thanks Lenny

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Del said...

What exactly are hanger-outer boys? People (girls mainly) keep saying this. Yet, when we ask them out they turn us down flat because we are not the guy that they are waiting to ask them out. I am not bitter. I just can't figure this out. So, do you know guys here that are hanger-outer boys or is this just the popular term of the year. The web continues......

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Lenny said...

Good question Del. I did not coin the term "hanger-outer boys," and so I'm probably not the best person to define it. However, I'd be glad to give my understanding of the term.

"Hanger-Outer boys" seems to mean those guys who act like they really like a girl (and probably do), and take the girl out and just plain hang out with her often--this leading to some kind of emotional attachment. As the girl starts to think that the relationship is going somewhere, and she really starts to show interest and may even ask him to define the relationship or his intentions, he tells the girl that he really isn't interested in her and that he just wants to be friends--maybe even acting like she is weird to think anything was ever happening between them.

Yes, there are guys like that here. I've seen it happen (or at least from what I can observe, but I have no right to make comments on the situations because I do not know all the details). I have also heard from a few women that they have had this happen to them.

Two points of application.
For women: Do not seek a relationship with a guy outside of a defined relationship; that is, one with defined intentions. If a man does not have the guts and the concern for you and your heart to be upfront with you, he doesn't deserve your time and neither is he ready for a committed relationship.
For men: Be aware that you will be held accountable before God for your deeds done in the body--this includes these emotional games. A good word for this kind of behavior is "emotional rape." Define your intentions. Put your head out there. If your head gets chopped off on the block, then get back up, dust yourself off, and try again when another comes along. Yes, this is hard. But being a man of God in this sinful world is quite difficult. Be honest with women, and if they are wise, they'll notice, appreciate, and even come to like you because they see Christ in you--and nothing should be more attractive.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

This was such a good post Lenny. I too have had my share of "Hanger-Outer boys" calling me, and spending time with me. All were believers, and looking back on it, they were just really nice guys. My heart remained fully intact with the nice ones, having known ahead of time that we were never to be more than friends, but one... He put himself out there, but ended up changing his mind after I did the same. It's a bit tricky I'd say. If we would just be totally, blatantly honest, there would be no coining of any terms.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Donna S. said...

Great post, Lenny.

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Nick Nye said...

This is a good post g!

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Kate McDonald said...


i really enjoyed this post...there is a lot of confusion in our culture (as well as the Christian sub-culture) about how men and women ought to interact. I myself, am a very blessed woman to be married to a wonderful man whose life and friendship and prayers for me are like water to my soul! but it is really hard to be a woman in these days...its even a fight when you are a person after God's heart- its a raqing battle-

a great book to suggest to women : Captivating by the Eldridges...speaks to these issues in a refreshing way!


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe in Christianity, but I agree with most of your post about male-female relationships.

The thing I finally learned the hard way is that men find doormat women unnattractive. If a woman wants the man too much, that becomes very unnattractive. You have to have other interests in life besides finding a mate. You need other friends.

Once you get to a point where you have these things - and you're happy with your life, even without a man in it - that's when you're most likely to meet a quality man.

I know this personally, because that's how it worked for me. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 years, living together for one year. When we were in the early-dating stages, we took the time to get to know each other well, and since I wasn't desperate to "get" him, I was able to relax and enjoy his gentlemanly behavior.

At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently read "created to be his helpmeet" by Debi Pearl, (she writes as an older woman instructing the younger) and you're on the same page as she is regarding God's intentions when he made us male and female. Our created purposes can seem so elusive in this world where women initiate, men follow and everyone suffers. Ladies, hear me on this one; find your life in Christ, and with faith in Him trust that your husband will find you. Don't run wildly and obsessively seeking someone to make you whole. God gave you life, trust him to give you LIFE, now and eternally. Don't give your heart away till God gives it away.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a woman that really believes this great approach is hard to find. A man that can be allowed to be 'wild at heart " to quote the title of Eldridge' book will be happy in her company!


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