Sunday, September 17, 2006

Jesus Camp!?

I just saw a report on ABC News about the motion picture/documentary, Jesus Camp.

While I think it may be enlightening to go watch the movie in the theatres (if it comes to Louisville), there are a few things about the movie that raise alarm bells in my mind.

1) This is definitely a Charismatic form of evangelicalism. The kids are "slain in the spirit," taught to "speak in tongues," etc.

2) The leader is a woman who accepts the title "pastor." (cf. 1 Timothy 2-3).

3) Many of the children seem quite young. I believe that people can be saved at very young ages, but I also realize the great potential for brainwashing these children without actually converting them (Mt. 23:15). These kids could easily become moralists without ever truly coming to grasp and embrace the gospel of free grace in Jesus Christ.

4) On the apple trailer site it reads: "A growing number of Evangelical Christians believe there is a revival underway in America that requires Christian youth to assume leadership roles in advocating the causes of their religious movement." Children are not to assume leadership roles--adults need to. Men need to step up in our churches, and pastors need to be training their people to do this (especially the men, who are called to be the leaders over all--and older women need to step up and lead the younger women and to be a spur to the men to get their act together). There is a vacuum that can only be filled by mature, spiritual men. May God raise them up. Our children need to be taught the ways of God that they may in the future become leaders.

5) While it may appeal to children to dress like military soldiers, etc, does this not tend toward making Christianity into a sort of physical jihad? Christianity is a religion of war--spiritual war (cf. Eph. 6:10-12). Our war is not against Muslims, Liberals, or Buddhists, but against the spiritual powers behind them. Islam, Liberalism, and Buddhism are enemies, because they are worldviews, but the people who adopt them are lost, and they need to be given the truth--God will finally judge and bring vengeance against those people who oppose Him and His people. Jesus brings war and division to the earth, but not from Christians--at least not physical war. Let us war with Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit behind it.

6) Take back America for Christ? I'm not going to argue against evangelical involvement in the affairs of America--we absolutely NEED to be involved in political affairs. But we must not forget the nations, and that America is no "city on a hill," or "new zion," but the people of God is a multi-unified-people. I do not know if the children at this camp are taught to be concerned for the peoples of the world, but in what I have seen of this movie that is not the central tenet. Is the gospel?

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Friday, September 15, 2006


If you know me, you know that I am not very gifted in the area of administration. In other words, I'm not a very good manager, and being a manager makes that absolutely clear. (I actually heard I guy in one of my classes say that he does not want to be a preaching pastor, but is gifted in administration. I didn't know people like that exist! Praise God for the Body of Christ! I really need to meet this guy and make him my best friend).

It happend again, soli Deo gloria! I have to find workers for valet, and it has happend more times than I'd like to admit that Friday or Saturday comes along, and I do not have anyone lined up to work with me that night. I have had times where, 15 minutes before 6:00 PM, I'm still without a coworker...only to have a friend be able to help...on what ends up being a night that I wouldn't have been able to handle the load myself if I was Clark Kent. (Okay, maybe if I was Clark Kent.)

Throughout the week I have been calling people to no avail. (One on Monday, two on Tuesday, Three on Wednesday, everyone I can on Thursday, and on my knees on Friday). I'll be glad when this is all over and I don't have to sweat, wondering my boss's reaction to my failure...which day will hopefully never come.

Today was the same. I called around all afternoon trying to find someone (amid other obligations). No one could (I seriously was out of options). I told my friend Aaron to pray, and I continually (amid homework) asked God to provide. 2 o'clock...nothing. 3 o'clock...some "no"s. 4 o'clock...trying to soak my sorrows in Panera Bread coffee. 4:30...can't even get anyone who answers his phone. 4:52 PM: Jehovah Jireh! I get a call from a friend telling me he has found someone who can work. O, how great God's faithfulness is.

So, if you are interested in being 'on call,' so to speak (though I already have 10 or so people on call when I need someone to work), to work on Fridays or Saturdays that my regulars need off, email me, or just respond to this post with your info. Thanks!

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Always the Victims...?

"Jihad." The word alone churns the stomachs of Americans, and has for the past 5+ years. It is a word that has become synonomous with terrorism. It is a word stemming from the Islamic faith, and especially from Islamic Extremists.

But I'm not writing to give you a commentary on Islamic war-tatics (of which I know very little), nor to enlighten minds to the world of Islam (of which I do know a little, having been a religion major in my undergrad days). I write in light of the Islamic reaction to the speech of Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI).

The claim by many Muslims is that in his speech, the Pope was reviving the spirit of the crusades. While I can never claim to know the heart of Joseph Ratzinger, he is a quite traditional Roman Catholic, it was the words of the Islamic "prophet," Muhammad, that the Pope quoted. Were the words quoted out of context or in a vituperative way? Again, it is not my place to answer that question.

My observation is one of irony. Islam, a religion characterized by its persecution of Christians and suppression/destruction of Christianity and Churches in predominately Islamic Countries, is offended by a minor quote that, at least on the surface, is ant-Islamic. If Islam is trying to "have been trying to bridge the gap, calling for dialogue and understanding between religions," as Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said, then perhaps they should begin by looking within their own borders.

I am in no way suggesting that the United States of America should take up arms against the religion of Islam, and I am absolutely opposing Christians doing so. But of Islam wants to be recognized as a religion of peace, then it needs to be a religion, both in its religious and political practices. Their demonstrations are attempts to gain sympathy (though perhaps there is an attempt to unify Islam together for other purposes, I cannot say).

Playing the victim in this way is like a rottweiler grumbling because the cat it is chasing swiped it on the nose. Their mentality is quite similar to Modernized Western culture, in which people are offended anytime their views and beliefs are critiqued (even if rightly so). Criticism of beliefs, practices, and doctrines is not persecution, but rather an attempt to attempt to shine light on falacies (real or perceived) in said areas. I find LDS tend to fail to understand this (cf. Christians, let us learn from this. Take critiques with a 'grain of salt,' but do not reject them out of hand. Search for truth to be gleaned. Reject pure libel and slander. And seek to understand what is truly supporting your beliefs, practices, and held doctrines. Grow in the faith and defend it.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Is Jesus Back?

My friend Aaron showed me this link of this man who claims to be Jesus (though, many of his views contradict anything Jesus ever would have said, since Jesus agreed with Scripture). I'm also suprised that he claims that no one else is telling the truth, since much of his theology is quite similar to popular TV personalities on TBN (whose names need not be mentioned).

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect . 25 "Behold, I have told you in advance.

Matt 24:24-25 (NASB)

Even rappers warn us about these people.

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