Sunday, September 17, 2006

Jesus Camp!?

I just saw a report on ABC News about the motion picture/documentary, Jesus Camp.

While I think it may be enlightening to go watch the movie in the theatres (if it comes to Louisville), there are a few things about the movie that raise alarm bells in my mind.

1) This is definitely a Charismatic form of evangelicalism. The kids are "slain in the spirit," taught to "speak in tongues," etc.

2) The leader is a woman who accepts the title "pastor." (cf. 1 Timothy 2-3).

3) Many of the children seem quite young. I believe that people can be saved at very young ages, but I also realize the great potential for brainwashing these children without actually converting them (Mt. 23:15). These kids could easily become moralists without ever truly coming to grasp and embrace the gospel of free grace in Jesus Christ.

4) On the apple trailer site it reads: "A growing number of Evangelical Christians believe there is a revival underway in America that requires Christian youth to assume leadership roles in advocating the causes of their religious movement." Children are not to assume leadership roles--adults need to. Men need to step up in our churches, and pastors need to be training their people to do this (especially the men, who are called to be the leaders over all--and older women need to step up and lead the younger women and to be a spur to the men to get their act together). There is a vacuum that can only be filled by mature, spiritual men. May God raise them up. Our children need to be taught the ways of God that they may in the future become leaders.

5) While it may appeal to children to dress like military soldiers, etc, does this not tend toward making Christianity into a sort of physical jihad? Christianity is a religion of war--spiritual war (cf. Eph. 6:10-12). Our war is not against Muslims, Liberals, or Buddhists, but against the spiritual powers behind them. Islam, Liberalism, and Buddhism are enemies, because they are worldviews, but the people who adopt them are lost, and they need to be given the truth--God will finally judge and bring vengeance against those people who oppose Him and His people. Jesus brings war and division to the earth, but not from Christians--at least not physical war. Let us war with Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit behind it.

6) Take back America for Christ? I'm not going to argue against evangelical involvement in the affairs of America--we absolutely NEED to be involved in political affairs. But we must not forget the nations, and that America is no "city on a hill," or "new zion," but the people of God is a multi-unified-people. I do not know if the children at this camp are taught to be concerned for the peoples of the world, but in what I have seen of this movie that is not the central tenet. Is the gospel?


At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for your encouragement and I encourage you to continue to do what God has called you to do. I send out a "Word of Encouragement" to a mass email listing. It is a word God gives me on a daily basis that I share with many whom then forward it on. Be strengthened and keep focused on Christ Jesus!
God Bless Tonya Jones of New Jersey


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